Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Galyon Depot

The Gate City is an accurate title for Greensboro on many levels. Greensboro is connected to the entire world practically. Growing up I always drove through Greensboro on any trip anywhere it seems like. We would get on 421, take it to 40 and then go to Virginia, or the beach, or a volleyball tournament in the eastern side of the state. Last year I was planning my senior trip with my two best friends and we discussed taking a train from Greensboro to New York, and then a flight back here. The only time I have flown over seas I flew out of Charlotte, but since I was with a school group I thought we might have been leaving from Greensboro. I had some trouble finding all the statistics I was looking for, but there are 59 flights out of the Piedmont Triad International Airport, and many incoming and outgoing international.
Evidence of non- Western European culture is all around us. On Tate St alone there are many culturally diverse restaurants. On a deeper level of diversity, there is a Buddhist society in Greensboro. More information can be gathered about this society at You can also buy some Indian groceries at Kashish Food Mart on Battleground ( Other cultures can be found in the Greensboro Cultural Center; learn more by looking at The people of Guilford County can enjoy African Art at the African American Atelier ( There is an Asian market on Colesium Dr (
I chose this picture because it shows travel from the perspective of buying tickets at the ticket booth, waiting in the waiting area, and also the journey that lies ahead when you travel through the perspective the picture was taken.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Downtown Institutions

I lived in Greensboro from 1993-1999. I started school at David D. Jones Elementary School, a Spanish Immersion school near the downtown area. My family lived near the airport, which led to a long bus ride to and from school. The long ride took me through many areas of the city allowing me to say "my bus goes this way" on many occasions, leading to a running joke in my family. I was reminded of this during our walk this past Thursday through the downtown institutions.
I do not remember the route the bus took, or all that I saw everyday, but sometimes I have snap shot memories of certain areas; a cemetery, the railroad tracks near the random field of green grass, or the billboard with all the sequins. One of these specific memories is of the YWCA downtown. I remembered two students getting off the bus at a YMCA with a fence that was right next to the road, and guess what we walked around? that very YWCA.
Another memory drudged up during this stroll downtown was one of me participating in the book walk from before the new library was opened. I thought it was so cool that the community was able to be involved in the move. The whole situation was a win-win because we, the book carriers, got to participate in a part of history, and we were helping the librarians get the book from one location to another. I am sure that between those thoughts there were a few moments of 'Can I sit down? Are we there yet?' and other lines similar to that, but I do remember appreciating what I was a part of. The arches in the picture are what sparked this memory and is where I remember standing while holding the books.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Downtown Part I

Here is an example of a stack. Not only is it literally parking lots stacked on top of each other in a single structure, but parking is a pain that takes up valuable space. The area taken up by this parking deck could have been used for more shops or restaurants. No one acknowledges this fact because parking is so valuable, but if you take a step back and look they are ugly and take up space.

This is the window display at a nice jewelry store on Elm. On another window was a sign saying not to trespass during non store hours. The feeling I got from the sign was not one of welcoming arms; I did not want to be invading someone elses turf. In the same way the doors are locked for the dorms to those not wanted inside, the doors to the show room were also locked keeping us out.

The very center of the city of Greensboro is the intersection of Elm St. and Market St. I consider this to be a beat in town. The picture is not focused as I would like it to be on the actual traffic, both motorized and pedestrian, going through the intersection, but it will suffice as a representation. Similar to the intersection on College Ave, this is an important area.

A strip found in the downtown area is basically all of S Elm St is retail; a collection of shops. I would compare this to Tate St on campus. Found in this area are restaurants, clothing and accessories stores, along with jewelry stores, and little knick-knack stores. All of these kinds of stores can be found on our Tate St, although all is on a smaller scale.

The statue of Nathaniel Greene in the traffic circle downtown is an example of an epitome. This historical figure is important as you look back through time in the United States. The statue represents a great leader who rose from the bottom ranks of the military to George Washington's right hand man during the Revolutionary War. I compare this symbol to the Manervastatue on UNCG's campus.

The Linconl Financial Building is the front of downtown Greensboro. This is the building most prominently featured in the skyline. As the biggest building in the city, it represents the strong, prosperous area.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Blandwood Mansion

All semester I have referred to this class as my 'field trip class' because of the unique nature of the course, and this week I really did feel as though I was back in middle school on a field trip to the Blandwood Mansion. I am not saying that in a derogatory manner; I enjoyed the trip very much and learned a lot I didn't even know I didn't know. I had never heard of the Moorehead family, outside of one of my classmates receiving the Moorehead Scholarship for UNC, and they play an interesting role in North Carolina's history.
The two remodels imply the values of aesthetics, and statement making held by the Moorehead family. The family had to uphold a reputation of knowledge and nicer things. Since Mr. Moorehead was governor, the family had to impress many people and present the image of a family able to support a great leader. The choice of the Italianate style is not for convenience or a specific functional purpose, it was simply different from anything else at that point in time.intricatee had intriquate detail in the areas designated for company, and simplicity in the decoration of the rest of the house. I think the people of the city thought the house was gaudy, maybe. They might have thought it was beautiful and similar to a castle of sorts. I could imagine children watching from the property line, gossiping about who they saw on the property and what big name was rumored to be coming next.

The first picture is of the ceiling in the front west parlor, the one used for fancier occasions.

The second is from the children's room, showing the contrast of simplicity.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

College Park- Residential

The College Park neighborhood obviously is a residential area. The homes in do not vary tremendously, although a few styles are seen as you walk the streets. Larger apartment complexes were found along with the average size we have been seeing in recent weeks. On the side streets in the core of the neighborhood we found craftsman style houses, and some more boring looking ones. I would guess they were built in the 1960's because of the boxy feel they have. Other styles were scattered around, but I do not know anything about them except that we have not discussed them yet. The houses along Spring Garden St. were situated very close to the road, where the houses farther in the neighborhood had bigger yards in some instances. We noticed more retaining walls in front of houses. I did not ever come to a conclusion to what that signifies exactly, but more houses were above the road. Maybe a value of housing is what is to be learned from the walls. Even though the land was not perfectly convenient for building, the need exceeded that inconvenience. We also noticed a creek that went under the road and did not come out on the other side, I would consider this another sign of the importance of housing for the same reason as the retention walls. In other areas of the neighborhood there are open lots though, so is there a difference in values within the neighborhood? Parking was available on the street and in driveways; there were no 2 hour parking signs or threats of being towed.

College Park- Residential

Big apartment complex University Village
Parking along the streets
Another style house with what I assume to be a retention wall

Open lot on southern side of neighborhood; not the only one
Other style houses
Box house I guessed was build in the 60's; big tree in the sidewalk
Craftsman style house deeper in neighborhood
Homes not facing Spring Garden St
House very close to Spring Garden St

Sunday, October 4, 2009

student trying to find a nice patch of grass to read on...

(not exactly what is going on in this photo, but I did not have a picture to support this argument)
student housing on Lee St with industrial buildings in the background=convenient area for a Wal-Mart/grocery store